Homemade Playdough
Try this easy to make and soft homemade playdough that will last for months.
You will need:
- 1-1,5 cup of all-purpose flour
- 0,3 cup of salt
- 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar (find it in desserts or in the spice section of your supermarket)
- 0,5 cup of warm water
- 0,5 tablespoon of vegetable oil (coconut oil will work)
- food coloring (optional)
How to do it:
- Whisk together flour, salt and creme of tartar in a nonstick bowl.
- Add to the mixture water, vegetable oil and food coloring. Use a spoon and then your hands to further mix everything until all flour incorporated and the colour is uniform.
- If the playdough is still sticky add a bit more flour a tiny bit at a time, until the consistency is perfect.
Add to your playdough a few drops of child-friendly essential oil (lavandar, camomile, tee tree) for aromatherapy.